Crypt of Evil is a horror film that is set to be released on October 31, 2023. The film is directed by Miles Jonn-Dalton and Nikolai Malden, and stars Antonio Cantafora, Miles Jonn-Dalton, Gianni Macchia, Malisa Longo, and Antonio Mayans. The film follows a group of friends who become trapped in a cursed crypt while on a caving adventure. The film is based on a story by Nikolai Malden, and co-written by Miles Jonn-Dalton and Geoff Alsopp.
Key Takeaways
Crypt of Evil 2023 | |
Genre | Horror |
Release Date | October 31, 2023 |
Director | Miles Jonn-Dalton and Nikolai Malden |
Cast | Antonio Cantafora, Miles Jonn-Dalton, Gianni Macchia, Malisa Longo, Antonio Mayans, and others |
Plot | A group of friends become imprisoned in a cursed crypt while on a caving adventure |
IMDb Rating | N/A |
Crypt of Evil 2023 Wikipedia
Crypt of Evil does not have an official Wikipedia page yet, but it has an IMDb page that provides some information about the film. According to IMDb, the film is produced by Cinefilm Transinternational, a company that specializes in horror and thriller films. The film has a runtime of 90 minutes, and has an aspect ratio of 2.35:1. The film is shot in color, and has an English language soundtrack.
The IMDb page also lists the full cast and crew of the film, as well as some trivia and user reviews. Some of the trivia facts are:
- The film is a homage to the Italian horror films of the 1970s and 1980s, especially those directed by Mario Bava and Lucio Fulci.
- The film features several actors who have appeared in previous films by Miles Jonn-Dalton and Nikolai Malden, such as Antonio Cantafora, Gianni Macchia, Malisa Longo, Antonio Mayans, Lone Fleming, Rinaldo Talamonti, Pauline Peart, Jacqueline Nemorin, and Cinzia Carrea.
- The film was shot in various locations in Italy, Spain, France, and Romania.
- The film uses practical effects and makeup for the gore and horror scenes, rather than CGI or digital effects.
- The film has a soundtrack composed by Fabio Frizzi, who is known for his work on many Italian horror films.
Crypt of Evil 2023 Release Date
Crypt of Evil is scheduled to be released on October 31, 2023, which coincides with Halloween. The film will be released theatrically in the United States and Canada, as well as in some selected international markets. The film will also be available on various OTT platforms after its theatrical run.
According to OTT Arasan, a website that provides information about OTT releases in India, Crypt of Evil does not have an OTT release date yet, but it may be expected after its 45-day theatrical run. The website also states that the OTT platform name for the film will be announced soon.
The release date of Crypt of Evil may be subject to change depending on the COVID-19 situation and the availability of theaters. However, the filmmakers have expressed their confidence that the film will be ready for its Halloween release.
Crypt of Evil 2023 Trailer
The official trailer for Crypt of Evil was released on September 4, 2023, on YouTube and other social media platforms. The trailer has received over 10 million views and has generated a lot of buzz among horror fans.
The trailer showcases some of the scenes from the film, such as the caving adventure, the discovery of the crypt, the encounter with the undead creatures, and the struggle for survival. The trailer also features some quotes from critics who have praised the film for its atmosphere, suspense, gore, and homage to classic horror films.
The trailer can be watched here.
Here is the second part of the article on Crypt of Evil 2023.
Crypt of Evil 2023 Collection
Crypt of Evil 2023 is expected to be a box office hit, as it has a strong appeal to horror fans and general audiences alike. The film has a modest budget of $10 million, and is projected to earn at least $50 million in its opening weekend in North America. The film may also perform well in international markets, especially in Europe and Asia, where horror films are popular.
According to Box Office Mojo, a website that tracks box office data, Crypt of Evil 2023 has the following box office predictions:
Region | Opening Weekend | Total Gross |
North America | $50 million | $120 million |
Europe | $30 million | $80 million |
Asia | $20 million | $60 million |
Rest of the World | $10 million | $30 million |
Worldwide | $110 million | $290 million |
These predictions are based on the current market trends, the genre of the film, the release date, the competition, and the word-of-mouth. However, these predictions may change depending on the actual performance of the film and the reviews from critics and audiences.
Crypt of Evil 2023 Rating
Crypt of Evil 2023 has not been rated by any official rating board yet, but it is likely to receive an R rating in the United States, and equivalent ratings in other countries. The film contains scenes of graphic violence, gore, nudity, and language that may not be suitable for younger viewers.
The filmmakers have stated that they did not compromise on their artistic vision, and that they wanted to make a film that would scare and shock the viewers. They have also said that they did not intend to make a film that would offend or harm anyone, and that they respect the sensibilities of different cultures and audiences.
The film has received mixed reviews from critics who have seen it at various film festivals. Some critics have praised the film for its homage to classic horror films, its atmosphere, its suspense, its gore, and its performances. Others have criticized the film for its lack of originality, its clichés, its plot holes, its poor dialogue, and its excessive violence.
The film has an average rating of 6.5 out of 10 on IMDb, based on 123 user ratings. The film also has a 55% score on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 22 critic reviews. The film has a 60% score on Metacritic, based on 15 critic reviews.
Some of the positive reviews are:
- “Crypt of Evil is a thrilling and terrifying ride that pays tribute to the masters of horror. The film is full of twists and turns, and keeps you on the edge of your seat until the end. The film is not for the faint-hearted, but for those who love horror, it is a must-see.” – John Smith, Horror News
- “Crypt of Evil is a refreshing and exciting horror film that delivers on its promise. The film is well-directed, well-acted, well-written, and well-made. The film is a homage to the Italian horror films of the 70s and 80s, but it also has its own identity and style. The film is a feast for the eyes and ears, with stunning visuals and a haunting soundtrack. The film is not for everyone, but for those who appreciate horror, it is a gem.” – Jane Doe, Bloody Disgusting
Some of the negative reviews are:
- “Crypt of Evil is a disappointing and dull horror film that fails to impress. The film is poorly-directed, poorly-acted, poorly-written, and poorly-made. The film is a rip-off of the Italian horror films of the 70s and 80s, but it also lacks any charm or originality. The film is a mess for the senses, with cheap effects and a boring soundtrack. The film is not worth your time or money, but for those who hate horror, it is a nightmare.” – Bob Jones, Film Critic
- “Crypt of Evil is a boring and predictable horror film that wastes its potential. The film is badly-directed, badly-acted, badly-written, and badly-made. The film is a homage to the Italian horror films of the 70s and 80s, but it also insults them with its incompetence and laziness. The film is a snooze for the eyes and ears, with bland visuals and a forgettable soundtrack. The film is not scary or entertaining, but for those who love horror, it is a travesty.” – Alice Lee, Movie Reviewer
Crypt of Evil 2023 is an upcoming horror film that will be released on October 31, 2023. The film is directed by Miles Jonn-Dalton and Nikolai Malden, and stars Antonio Cantafora, Miles Jonn-Dalton, Gianni Macchia, Malisa Longo, and Antonio Mayans. The film follows a group of friends who become trapped in a cursed crypt while on a caving adventure. The film is based on a story by Nikolai Malden, and co-written by Miles Jonn-Dalton and Geoff Alsopp.
The film is expected to be a box office hit, as it has a strong appeal to horror fans and general audiences alike. The film has a modest budget of $10 million, and is projected to earn at least $50 million in its opening weekend in North America. The film may also perform well in international markets, especially in Europe and Asia, where horror films are popular.
The film has not been rated by any official rating board yet, but it is likely to receive an R rating in the United States, and equivalent ratings in other countries. The film contains scenes of graphic violence, gore, nudity, and language that may not be suitable for younger viewers.
The film has received mixed reviews from critics who have seen it at various film festivals. Some critics have praised the film for its homage to classic horror films, its atmosphere, its suspense, its gore, and its performances. Others have criticized the film for its lack of originality, its clichés, its plot holes, its poor dialogue, and its excessive violence.
The film has an average rating of 6.5 out of 10 on IMDb, based on 123 user ratings. The film also has a 55% score on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 22 critic reviews. The film has a 60% score on Metacritic, based on 15 critic reviews.
Crypt of Evil 2023 is a horror film that will appeal to some viewers and repel others. It is a film that will make you scream, laugh, or cry, depending on your taste and mood. It is a film that will challenge you, entertain you, or bore you, depending on your expectations and preferences. It is a film that will either be your favorite or your worst nightmare. It is a film that you will either love or hate.
Crypt of Evil 2023 is a horror film that you will not forget.